- When:
- Friday, March 10, 2017, 7:00pm - 7:00pm
- Description:
The five-program series "Troubling the Image: New + Restored Experimental Cinema" features an eclectic and wide-ranging group of works that celebrate the vibrancy of experimental and almost-experimental cinema from near and far, now and then.
Cinema as process, movement as mechanics, image as collage: Untitled Joseph Cornell Film (The Wool Collage) (c. 1940-55) is a previously unknown film by the master collage filmmaker and box builder. Keewatin Dewdney’s The Maltese Cross Movement (1967) takes as its central motif the titular mechanical operation of a film projector. Daniel Barnett’s travelogue-of-sorts The Chinese Typewriter (1978-83) demonstrates his interest in language, poetry, and the construction of meaning. Julie Murray’s untitled (earth) (2015) shuttles through a 35mm film print, blurring the image, freezing frames, and finding possible new meanings. Monica Saviron’s Answer Print (2016) wryly uses only badly faded found images in a work that is more about questions than answers.
Curated by Julia Gibbs and Patrick Friel.
74 min. program includes:
untitled (earth) (Julie Murray, USA, 2015, 10 min., digital video)
Untitled Joseph Cornell Film (The Wool Collage) (Joseph Cornell, USA, c. 1940-1955, 23 min., 16mm print courtesy of Musem of Modern Art)
The Chinese Typewriter (Daniel Barnett, USA, 1978-83, 28 min., 16mm from Canyon Cinema)
The Maltese Cross Movement (Keewatin Dewdney, Canada, 1967, 8 min., 16mm print courtesy of Academy Film Archive)
Answer Print (Monica Saviron, USA, 2016, 5 min., 16mm)
Re-Framings - Stitched & Collaged

Julie Murray's untitled (earth) (2015)