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- Restriction on viewing / access:
- FSC film prints do not circulate.
- Loan Terms:
- On Reserve
- Status:
- IN
- D1815
Housing America’s Students
Myers, Edward T.; DuFresne, Eugen; Crowder, Tudja
- Title:
- Housing America’s Students
- Director:
- Myers, Edward T.; DuFresne, Eugen; Crowder, Tudja
- Production Co:
- Documentary Film Group
- Description:
- 16mm.   camera original.   2 film reels of 2.
68 minutes.   b/w.  
1.33:1.   sound - optical track.   24 fps
- Film Grade:
- C-
- Country:
- Year:
- 1949
- Language:
- English
- Genre:
- Documentary
- Notes:
- The first film made by the Doc Film Group is a documentary about the University of Chicago dealing with the post WWII housing shortage cause by the influx of returning G.I.s.
R1 - 1/2 optical track only, 1/2 picture.
R2 - optical track only.
Some footage on D1818 Misc. Doc Films Footage II relates to this film.