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Loan Terms:

Looney Tunes Golden Collection. Volume 4


Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

DVD - Region 1.   viewing copy.   4 videodiscs of 4.
Supplemental features include commentaries and featurettes with animators, historians, and voice artists profiling specific cartoons, characters, and creators; music and music-and-effects-only audio tracks on selected shorts; THE BUGS BUNNY SHOW: Briding Sequences and Audio Recording sessions; bonus cartoons from the vault including wartime and armed forces shorts.


+ Roman Legion-Hare

+ Grey Hounded Hare, The

+ Rabbit Hood

+ Operation: Rabbit

+ Knight-Mare Hare

+ Southern Fried Rabbit

+ Mississippi Hare

+ Hurdy-Gurdy Hare

+ Forward March Hare

+ Sahara Hare

+ Barbary-Coast Bunny

+ To Hare is Human

+ 8 Ball Bunny

+ Knighty Knight Bugs

+ Rabbit Romeo

+ Case of the Stuttering Pig, The

+ Little Pancho Vanilla

+ Little Beau Porky

+ Now That Summer is Gone

+ Porky in the North Woods

+ You’re an Education

+ Porky’s Railroad

+ Plane Daffy

+ Porky the Fireman

+ Cracked Ice

+ Puss N’ Booty

+ I Got Plenty of Mutton

+ Booby Hatched

+ Porky’s Poultry Plant

+ Stupid Cupid, The

+ Censored

+ Goldbrick, The

+ Home Front, The

+ Cat-Tails For Two

+ Tabasco Road

+ Tortilla Flaps

+ Mexicali Shmoes

+ Here Today, Gone Tamale

+ West of the Pesos

+ Cannery Woe

+ Pied Piper of Guadalupe, The

+ Mexican Boarders

+ Chili Weather

+ Message to Gracias, A

+ Nuts and Volts

+ Pancho’s Hideaway

+ Wild Chase, The

+ A-Haunting We Will Go

+ Drafty, Isn’t It?

+ 90 Day Wondering

+ Night Watchman, The

+ Conrad the Sailor

+ Sour Puss, The

+ Aristo-Cat, The

+ Dough Ray Me-ow

+ Pizzicato Pussycat

+ Kiss Me Cat

+ Cat Feud

+ Unexpected Pest, The

+ Go Fly a Kit

+ Kiddin’ the Kitten

+ Peck O’Trouble, A

+ Mouse and Garden

+ Porky’s Poor Fish

+ Swallow the Leader

+ Porky’s Breakdowns

+ Sahara Hare Storyboard Reel

+ Porky’s Poor Fish Storyboard Reel

+ Friz On Film

+ Bugs Bunny Superstar