
The Activist Camera: Class, Sexuality, and Ethnicity in Films of Japan

Saturday, February 27, 1999, 9:00am - 4:30pm
Nitrate Kisses (1992, color, 67 min., 16 mm., US) Directed by Barbara Hammer A cinematic meditation on the cultural and political history of gays and lesbians in 1930s America and in Nazi concentration camps. Osaka Story (1994, color, 75 min., 16 mm, UK) Directed by Toichi Nakata An autobiographical analysis of the internal dynamics of Nakata's family. In Japanese and Korean with English subtitles. Panel discussion Panelists: Scholars Jonathan Mark Hall, Akiko Mizoguchi, Keith Vincent, and filmmakers Masaki Tamura, Barbara Hammer, Toichi Nakata.
Co-sponsored by Committee on Japanese Studies at the Center for East Asian Studies, the Franke Institute for the Humanities, the Isaac and Viola H. Stern Endowment Fund, the Center for Gender Studies, and the Lesbian and Gay Workshop.