
Video Ground: Recent Moving Image Works from Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand

<p>Divide (John Gilles, 2004)</p>

Friday, April 11, 2008, 7:00pm - 7:00pm
A Multimedia Arts Asia Pacific (MAAP) touring program, curated and presented by Rachel O'Reilly. Practicing on uncertain ground and negotiating diffracted and bi-cultural regimes of representation, media artists from Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand work outside of stable cinematic genres to rethink historical and narrative accounts of place. Stella Brennan reflects on the role of wartime visualization technologies in abstracting South Pacific oceanic space. Government, corporate and migrant takes on suburban belonging are played out ironically through documentary tropes in Peter Alwast's At the Rotunda. Merilyn Fairskye uses non-synchronous audio and stylized visuals to conjure under-documented operations at the joint US military facilities known as Pine Gap, in Central Australia. Australian video artist John Gillies and Maori new media artist Rachel Rakena engage performance in different ways to reflect on colonial allegory, and the contemporary Pacific Island diaspora.
Co-sponsored by Multimedia Arts Asia Pacific